Control Room A

Control room A is equipped with linear and non-linear editing, digital video, patchbay signal routing, a variety of graphics capabilities, and audio signal processing. Equipment consists of : Data Translation Media 100 Non Linear Editing System, JVC SVHS, Sony 3/4 Umatic SP, and Sony Betacam SP linear editing videotape formats. The signal processing and distribution is via standard patchbay with Sigma Video Distribution and Audio Distribution Amplifiers. Echolab Switcher with CEL DVE, and Video Toaster are employed for video signal switching and creation. Graphics are produced on Chyron, Video Toaster, Amiga, and Powermac. The audio bay consists of 16 channel RAMSA Mixer with the associated audio processing and monitoring equipment. An ELMO Presentation camera and computer scanner round out the graphic and video production.